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We are currently searching...



Freelancer Design in seoul

Volute is searching for a motivated and skilled designer with own ambition and ideas. 

It is a freelance position with project related working hours. 

General Responsibilities: 
We are looking for a highly creative, organized, efficient and motivated designer. The person in this position will be responsible for creating innovative and unique solutions for a variety of projects including fair design and architecture, print and web design, public design. 

Qualifications / Experience Required: 

  •  Excellent illustrating capabilities 

  •  Strong knowledge of typography

  •  Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign

  •  Proficient in composition and color theory

  •  At least 2-3 years work experience

  •  Experience in photography is a plus 

  •  Design degree recommended, but not required 

  •  High communication skills

  •  Language skills: English is a must, German, Korean is a plus

To Apply: 
Please submit your cover letter, resume and portfolio samples
via info@volute.eu




Web Developer 웹구축 프로그래머 서울 (프리랜서.업체) 상시채용등록


프리랜서 웹구축및 개발자 혹은 파트너 구합니다. 2년차이상
html5,css,php,java,Adobe edge,WordPress등
웹개발및관리,자가 서버 관리,연결,모바일구축등
그외 Html5 모션그래픽 이해도
간단 이력서와 포트폴리오 첨부부탁드립니다.


info@volute.eu (제목에 국가코드 kr 첨부)

Native Audio Speaker (English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish)in Seoul

Volute is currently looking for native audio speakers who are interested in becoming voice actors. As a design and media company we are providing voice recordings for brand commercials, narrations,audio guides and etc. We are always looking for new input for our voice portfolio. 


All we need from you is the following information:

1. Name

2. Nationality & Language 

3. Visa Status in Korea

4. Contact information

5. Voice sample (e.g. News article for about 30secs)


To Apply: 
Please submit your information and audio samples
via info@volute.eu

Communication Designer 커뮤니케이션 디자이너 모집합니다. -서울 경리단길 스튜디오(프리랜서)

일반 컨셉츄얼 비쥬얼커뮤니케이션부터 공간커뮤케이션 업무 및  클라이언트 매니지먼트  


-전공 비쥬얼 커뮤니케이션및 그외 관련 공간컨셉디자인

-타이포그래피및  공간디자인의 이해도

-글쓰기 작문능력   

-석사급이상 전공관련 

-의사소통의 Talent를 가진자


-한국어 커뮤니케이션에 능숙한자 

-Multiple type 응용디자인능력을 가진자

 그외 해외 근무및 프로젝트경험자 우대





Operator Editoriar Designer (프리랜서)

오퍼레이터업무 편집디자이너 모집 




-인쇄프로레스의 능숙한자

-어도비 그래픽툴 상급스킬을 가진자




New Media 영상편집-프리랜서 


-Final cur pro 및 After effect.Premiere Tool 사용가능자

-Daw프로그램 Ableton및 Cubase 사용가능자 우대



New Media UI 및 모션디자이너-프리랜서 


-Final cur pro 및 After effect.Premiere Tool 사용가능자

-Daw프로그램 Ableton및 Cubase 사용가능자 우대

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